A change log is a record of all notable changes made to a project. Whenever updates, alterations, or retractions are published, they will be listed here. In addition to being posted here, important changes will be noted at the top of the relevant article.

03.10.2023 Trans Joy, Trans Rage article [Click Here] updated to reflect additional evidence. Witness testimony stated a woman brandished a gun, and video evidence now confirms it, so the language of the article was updated accordingly.

11.16.2022 Site’s homepage design redone to optimize for mobile use and allow more articles to be displayed.

11.16.2022 Camp Resolution update: about 45 minutes after posting, it was declared that the planned sweep would be cancelled. This update is reflected at the top of the article.

07.30.2022 Patriot Pride Month (article; Instagram post) post on Instagram had to be removed and replaced approximately thirty minutes after being posted due to a posting error that caused the final five or six images to be the same image repeated.