‘It Comes Down To Us’

03.26.2021 | “People who have been living unhoused know the reality of the situation, and know the reality of this town, that this town is not safe,” says Olivia, a speaker at today’s protest in Nevada City, California.

On February 4th, 2021, a Nevada County Sheriff’s Deputy fatally shot Ariella “Sage” Crawford in front of her two children (1). Since then, police officials have released dashcam and bodycam footage of the incident; those seeking it would be cautioned that it is incredibly upsetting footage. Debates have swept the community as to whether a fatal response was warranted.

Community members organized today’s event to urge for justice, transparency, and most of all accountability. Speakers, including Michae, Libby, Lorraine, Paulie, and Olivia brought up important questions about police accountability in our town. They spoke to the fact that significant action has not been taken for transparency and accountability concerning the incident on January 1st, 2020 where officers killed Gabriel Strickland in Condon Park while he carried a BB gun (2) and the police inaction during a violent attempt to suppress the August 9th, 2020 Black Lives Matter protest (3).

There were also calls to aid local unhoused people, as their lack of housing often puts them in dangerous situations, both in general and with police. Olivia spoke to the fact that many buildings in town are left empty: “People could be fed in these buildings every day”.

Assistant D.A. Chris Walsh answered questions at the event, speaking to the sadness of the Sheriff's killing of Sage Crawford. He said, however, that the District Attorney’s office doesn’t have power over “civil matters”.

“What is clear to me after Chris Walsh’s speech is that it comes down on us,” Olivia continued. She recommended local mutual aid events, food banking events, and a member of the crowd read off the number of the 24-hour non-officer mental health crisis line for Western Nevada County, which is 530-265-5811.


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