• “14,” “88,” “14/88,” “The 14 Words”: The fourteen words, a white supremacist slogan originating with domestic terrorist David Eden Lane, are “we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”. White supremacists often pair this with 88, which stands in for HH, short for heil Hitler, a declaration of obedience to the deceased Nazi dictator.

  • WWG1WGA: WWG1WGA stands for “where we go one we go all,” which is most associated with the right-wing conspiracy group Qanon, but is also used by groups like the Proud Boys.

  • 6MWE” means “six million wasn’t enough,” or sometimes “six million more” is saying that the six million Jewish people that the Nazis murdered (alongside five million other prisoners) in the Holocaust, widely believed to be one of the worst atrocities ever committed, should be repeated.

  • RWDS” means Right Wing Death Squad, commonly shown on “Pinochet Did Nothing Wrong” t-shirts, referencing the deceased authoritarian Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet was a brutal and violent leader of Chile from the U.S.-backed military coup in 1973 (officially being declared president in 1974) until 1990. Modern right-wing extremists mostly reference Pinochet’s regime with jokes about “free helicopter rides” for leftists, a reference to the 120 prisoners the Chilean government reports were thrown from helicopters, a small percentage of the estimated 1,200 to 3,200 people killed by the regime.

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Sources for Page Two

Franklin, Jonathan (9 January 2001). "Chilean army admits 120 thrown into sea". The Guardian.

Tian, Edward (January 21, 2021). "The QAnon Timeline: Four Years, 5,000 Drops and Countless Failed Prophecies". Bellingcat.

Crocker, H.W. (2006). Don't Tread On Me: A 400-year History of American at War, from Indian Fighting to Terrorist Hunting. Three Rivers Press. p. 51.

Michael, George (2009). "David Lane and the Fourteen Words". Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions. 43–61.

Former Chilean army chief charged over 1973 killing of activists Archived 5 May 2021 at the Wayback Machine. The Guardian

"Chile under Pinochet – a chronology". The Guardian. London. 24 March 1999.

"A Look at Racist Skinhead Symbols and Tattoos". Southern Poverty Law Center.

"Three Percenters". Anti-Defamation League. August 23, 2018.

Duggan, Paul (November 28, 2018). "The Confederacy Was Built on Slavery. How Can So Many Southern Whites Think Otherwise?". The Washington Post.

Leepson, Marc (June 12, 2011). "Five myths about the American flag". The Washington Post.

Wyatt, Rick (2002). Washington's Cruisers Flag (U.S.). Retrieved from http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/us-wacr.html

"Government of Canada lists 13 new groups as terrorist entities and completes review of seven others". Government of Canada. 3 February 2021

GAVIN MCINNES explains the origins of the PROUD BOYS, The World Pioneer on Youtube. (https://youtu.be/lPpb-nfQW_8)

Matthew N. Lyons, Right-Wing Populism in America (2000), ch. 3, 5, 13.